
PhD Students
There are open positions for graduate students and postdocs to join my group. If you are interested in working together, please send me your CV and a short description of your research interests.

Undergraduate Students

Cornell undergraduates: Research positions are filled for the 2024-25 academic year. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in doing research starting Summer 2025. I supervise student research as part of several different programs: the Nexus Scholars program (open to students in any year; applications open in late October), the Rawlings CPRS program (open to incoming students and sophomores I've been working with for at least one semester; nominations due in February), and the McNair Scholars program. I also supervise undergraduate senior thesis projects.

Non-Cornell undergraduates: If you would like to do research with me during Summer 2024, I encourage you to apply for the Cornell Astronomy REU program.

All: There are many summer research opportunities in astronomy. For US citizens, the NSF-funded REU program list is a great place to start. For non-US citizens, a list of opportunities can be found here. Another option open to US and non-US citizens is the Caltech SURF program. Other opportunities for undergraduate students at Cornell include the Humanities Scholars Program (deadline spring of sophomore year).

Graduate Students

I welcome inquiries from graduate students and prospective graduate students in Astronomy, Physics, and related subjects. Below is an incomplete list of fellowship opportunities:


Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in applying for a fellowship: